Over time I have bookmarked news media sites that I find particularly well-designed. In particular I like to have the home page be the largest factor because of all that it usually has to cover, but I am also interested in well-designed “common” pages, such as a simple news article or collection/index of news articles. I am posting them for posterity’s sake, but also to hopefully garner some suggestions from the audience on sites that I am missing out on. These could be television, newspaper, radio, strictly online, or perhaps even something loosely based on any one of those. Here they are, in no particular order:
I actually liked their previous iterations better, but this home page is still an exercise in clarity and simplicity, given the scope of the organization. I wish more people could sell designs like this to similarly-sized companies.
- Bayersicher Rundfunk
Nothing particularly breathtaking, but definitely organized and fairly uncluttered given the circumstances.
- Australian Broadcasting Corporation
An excellent example of an organized bevy of text links. Could use some design polish, but it is very skimmable (is that a word?)
- Chicago Public Radio
Nothing spectacular here, but a decent sense of design and restraint (although possibly because the rest of the site is fairly shallow.)
- Deutsche Welle
The top navigation, map, and graphical arc are a poor use of real estate, but the rest of the page is templated and fairly well kept. This site would probably go downhill real fast if it had banner ads.
- dradio.de
I love the boxed grid system, the simplicity of the navigation, and the choice of HTML over graphics in alot of places. Although some might argue the grayscale color scheme is a bit boring, I like how they use blue/red combo to both make the radio services stand out from the gray, and also connect the radio services from the top navigation to the right content column. A terribly clean gridded design.
- Schweizer Radio DRS
An excellent grid system on several pages. I particularly like the display of the radio services across the middle. Although I’m not a fan of color-coding every section of a web sites, they at least handle it well by termpering everything with alot of gray. The news stories need some help, and those photos in the bottom right of people with headphones frighten me.
- Inc.com
For all the ads and ad-like content on the homepage, I can still skim fairly well. The icon system and font size/color variety help alot with that. I love that header bar. Great design on the home and story pages, especially with way too many ads.
- International Herald Tribune
The poster child for out-of-the-box news story thinking. The clippings feature and the customizable three-column pageable story text have been around for years, and people are still trying to copy it. Amazing stuff. Clean, simple, excellent grid system. I don’t think I’m alone in this, but I totally love the serif headline with sans text. I’m also a sucker for horizontal line backgrounds, good icon sets, and (if you hadn’t noticed it yet) grayscale color themes.
- Lawrence Journal-World
The poster child for news site innovation in (at least) the U.S., along with it’s sister site lawrence.com. Decent grid system and color scheme, but I also wish they would use HTML more often, like for the “services” block, and for all the section headers on the page like “latest stories” and “local sports”. (By the way, what the hell are “top ads”? Who are you kidding?) I like the potential of the very large graphical news block at the top, but I’ve never seen it executed to much effect. The photos and accompanying display font text are lacking. Can’t get enough of the dynamic weather graphic.
- MDR (Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk)
I absolutely love the cropped horizontal photo space on the home page. The simple navigation, grid, and color scheme aren’t half bad either. I like the balance of HTML text/navigation and graphics/photos.
- NDR (Norddeutsche Rundfunk)
I’m a big fan of the top navigation bar with the logo, photos, sharp colors, and subtle rollover links. Great grid, good typography. The double-wide photo space on the first story in a list is a nice touch.
- WDR (Westdeutscher Rundfunk)
Lots of spacing, big text, and thumbnails. The icon system could use a little work, but at least they have one. A very clean design, with a good balance of text and graphics.
I will add more comments to the rest of these as I get more time…
- Newsmap
- PBS (Public Broadcasting System)
- RTE (Radio Telefis Eirann)
- Special Broadcasting Service
- Radio Mark
- San Francisco Examiner
- Times Online
- Radio Canada International
- Hartford Courant
- SuperNaturale
- Child.com
- Seattle Times
- Thirteen/WNET
- ABC News
- Guerilla News Network
- AlterNet
- CANOE (Canadian Online Explorer)
- Cambridge News
- Sacramento Bee
- Knoxville News Sentinel
Please add suggestions in the comments!